Release Note - February 2025
Multi Entity Management for Business Central Cloud
- Latest version:
Multi Entity Management for Business Central on-premises
- BC 25 latest version:
- BC 24 latest version:
- BC 23 latest version:
- BC 22 latest version:
- BC 21 latest version:
- BC 20 latest version:
- BC 19 latest version:
- BC 18 latest version:
- BC 17.1 latest version:
- BC 16 latest version:
- BC 15 latest version:
- BC 14 latest version:
Multi Entity Management release schedule:
- Business Central cloud - Monthly
- Business Central on-premises - Quarterly
Download Multi Entity Management app-install files to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises from our Microsoft-team XtensionIT for Partners.
New features in this release.
1.1 REST Protocol for all external replication.
REST has been available for some time now, but only featured some minor functionality on the cross DB entity list. You can now enable REST to be used for Multi Entity Management working Cross Database. Using the REST protocol will be performance enhancing. For now it’s a choice if you want to use REST. But in the future SOAP will be discontinued and you will need to switch. In order to enable REST please follow this link for a short guide LINK
When the webservice setup has ben set you can now add the Use REST on the Entity List.
Any external replication will now use the REST protocol instead of the SOAP protocol. IF you experince any inconvinience you can always revert by unclicking the Use REST field.
1.2 External sync not handling Default Dimensions correctly (Hotfix).
We had an issue reported by one of our partners regarding the functionality of Initial Sending, Full Table Sync and Filtered Table Sync of records with Default Dimensions as Associated Tables. This has been fixed so the functionality now handles Default Dimensions as associated tables, even with individual setup.
1.3 Replication data externally that has first been replicated internally (Hotfix).
When replication data internally from Company A to Company B and then replication data externally from Company B the data is not automatically synced. This has now been fixed
1.4 Currencies in Sales Price table(legacy table) notr tranferred correctly (Hotfix).
When Currencies that matched the LCY in the subscribing company(cross database), the transfer stopped. The corresponding database did not accept that the publisher had a currency matching the LCY in the subscribing environment.
This was only an error when automatically syncing data. Manual transfer works OK.