Integration Accelerator
User guide
Version: November 2025
The Integration Accelerator is used for integration flows between Microsoft Dynamics Business Central and other systems.
It has some base key features for integrating:
- Azure Data Lake and Microsoft Fabric export.
- General API Endpoint export with a generic JSON format.
- Publish of dynamic API endpoints from Business Central without any additional code. (Replaces “hardcoded” API Pages.)
- Dynamic Table Setup. Access to all data in the system including data from other extensions and modifications.
- Receive any data via an API Endpoint (Unbound Action). Customized code is however needed for processing the incoming data.
- Log features to enable error handling and monitoring directly from within Business Central.
- Uses the Job Queue for scheduling data export/import/processing or background processing for live data integration.
Installation and basic setup
1. Prerequisite
Microsoft Business Central SaaS/OnPrem version 22 or later.
To install or uninstall per-tenant apps, you must have the right permissions.
You must either be a member of the D365 Extension MGT user group, or you must have the EXTEND. MGT. - ADMIN permission set.
2. Upload a per-tenant extension (PTE)
You upload a PTE by using the Extension Management page.
On the Extension Management page
- go to Manage, then choose Upload Extension (1).
- On the Upload and Deploy Extension page, specify the .app file to upload (2).
- To proceed, choose the Accept button (3)
- Use the Deploy button (4), which will start the process of deploying the PTE.
To verify that the installation is complete, check the “Is Installed” checkmark on the Installed Extension Page.
3. User Permissions
Users that need access to setup and configure the Integration Accelerator should be granted the Permission Set “XTEIAC ACT. ADMIN”.
To ensure that all users can work and supply the Integration Accelerator with data they need the to be assigned the Permission Set “XTEIAC ACT. BASIC”.
4. API Activities
The API Activities is the main Setup and Configuration Page and is found by using the Search functionality.
By default, the installation of the module will setup 4 template API Activities.
AZUREDATALAKE: The Setup needed for integration with Azure Data Lake or Microsoft Fabric.
PUBLISHDATA: Publish data to a General API Endpoint in a generic JSON format.
REQUESTDATA: Publish of dynamic API endpoints without any additional code. Replaces “hardcoded” API Pages.
SAVEREQUEST: Receive any data via an API Endpoint (Unbound Action). Customized code is however needed for processing the incoming data.
5. API Activity Setup
5.1 Azure Data Lake / Microsoft Fabric
Action Bar
Outbound Entries – Shows a Log of outbound entries. Here you will find a status of the individual exports to the endpoint including any errors that might have occurred.
Synchronize Structure to Azure – This action will start the process of synchronizing the structure to Azure and create the Container if it doesn’t exist. This will not synchronize any data.
Tables – this will open the Setup of tables and fields that should be exported to Azure.
Copy Setup to Company – If you need the same setup in several companies, this function will copy the setup including tables and fields to the selected company.
PageTab - General:
*Code’ – A unique code that describe the Activity. Primary Key.
Test System – The Test System is used for keeping a Setup for both Test and Live Companies. Enable this checkmark to specify that this entry is a test setup. Included in the Primary Key, to ensure that a setup only can exist for one test and live system.
Description – A short description of the API Activity Setup.
Active – Enable or Disable the API Activity on a general level.
Activity Type – Specifies the type of the Activity, “Publish Data” is used for outbound data like export to Azure Data Lake and General API Endpoint.
Background Processing – Enable this to start the processing in the background and send data in almost real time. If disabled it will send data based on the setup of “Job Queue Delay (Minutes)” and the “No. of Minutes between Runs” on the “Job Queue Entry”.
Clean Entries Older Than – Enable a continuous process to only keep x days of lines in the Outbound Entries Log.
PageTab - Publish Data:
Publish Data Type – Specifies and Controls if the Endpoint is Azure or a general API Endpoint.
Maximum Error Retries – If the Outbound Entry fails for some reason it will try to re-send the data x times.
Job Queue Delay (Minutes) – To ensure that data is committed in the database and is consistent, a delay can be introduced to ensure that the Job Queue is only sends data x minutes old.
PageTab - Azure Data Lake:
Account Name – The Azure Storage Account Name
Client ID and Client Secret – The App Registration Client ID and Client Secret from Azure.
Tenant ID – The Customer Tenant ID from Azure.
Create Container, Container Name and Container Directory – When Create Container is set, the Synchronize will try to create the Container Name and optionally the Container Directory – sub levels are specified with a / e.g. Directory/Sub-Directory.
Storage Type – specifies the Azure Data Lake or Microsoft Fabric. If Microsoft Fabric is used Lakehouse and Workspace must be specified.
Max Payload Size (MB) – the maximin allowed payload size sent to Azure in one blob.
CDM Data Format – is not yet in use and should always be set to Parquet.
Azure CSV Field Separator – Data separator used in the format sent to Azure, Default is comma.
Include Entity No. – Default the Field Name sent to Azure is set to TAG from field setup, but it’s possible to enable this feature to also include the Field No. in the Field Name used in Azure.
5.2 Generic API Endpoint Publish
Action Bar
Outbound Entries – Shows a Log of outbound entries. Here you will find a status of the individual exports to the endpoint including any errors that might have occurred.
Tables – this will open the Setup of tables and fields that should be exported to Azure.
Copy Setup to Company – If you need the same setup in several companies, this function will copy the setup including tables and fields to the selected company.
PageTab - General:
Code – A unique code that describe the Activity. Primary Key.
Test System – The Test System is used for keeping a Setup for both Test and Live Companies. Enable this checkmark to specify that this entry is a test setup. Included in the Primary Key, to ensure that a setup only can exist for one test and live system.
Description – A short description of the API Activity Setup.
Active – Enable or Disable the API Activity on a general level.
Activity Type – Specifies the type of the Activity, “Publish Data” is used for outbound data like export to Azure Data Lake and General API Endpoint.
Background Processing – Enable this to start the processing in the background and send data in almost real time. If disabled it will send data based on the setup of “Job Queue Delay (Minutes)” and the “No. of Minutes between Runs” on the “Job Queue Entry”.
Clean Entries Older Than – Enable a continuous process to only keep x days of lines in the Outbound Entries Log.
PageTab - Publish Data: Publish Data Type – Specifies and Controls if the Endpoint is Azure or a general API Endpoint (Default Json).
Maximum Error Retries – If the Outbound Entry fails for some reason it will try to re-send the data x times.
Job Queue Delay (Minutes) – To ensure that data is committed in the database and is consistent, a delay can be introduced to ensure that the Job Queue is only sends data x minutes old.
PageTab - Default (Json): API Endpoint URL – Specifies the URL to the generic API Endpoint.
Auth. Bearer Token – The Bearer Token supplied from the API Endpoint Publisher.
Auth. Bearer Token Expiration Date – Information regarding the Expiration Date for the Token, this if only for information purpose and is not in active use.
API Transaction Type – Data included in the Json to specify the data sent.
5.3 Request Data (Publish of dynamic API endpoints)
Action Bar
Inbound Entries – Shows a Log of inbound entries received through the exposed endpoint. Here you will find a status of the individual request received to the endpoint including any errors that might have occurred during the processing.
Tables – this will open the Setup of tables and fields that are exposed.
Copy Setup to Company – If you need the same setup in several companies, this function will copy the setup including tables and fields to the selected company.
PageTab - General:
Code – A unique code that describe the Activity. Primary Key.
Test System – The Test System is used for keeping a Setup for both Test and Live Companies. Enable this checkmark to specify that this entry is a test setup. Included in the Primary Key, to ensure that a setup only can exist for one test and live system.
Description – A short description of the API Activity Setup.
Active – Enable or Disable the API Activity on a general level.
Activity Type – Specifies the type of the Activity, “Request Data” is used for inbound data.
Background Processing – Enable this to start the processing in the background and send data in almost real time. If disabled it will send data based on the setup of “Job Queue Delay (Minutes)” and the “No. of Minutes between Runs” on the “Job Queue Entry”.
Clean Entries Older Than – Enable a continuous process to only keep x days of lines in the Outbound Entries Log.
PageTab - Request Data:
Registration – Enable to “taste” the incoming data and prepare the Inbound Entry with some additional information.
Processing – Process the incoming data and send back the result to the requesting service.
Error Handling – Either return any Errors to the requesting service or keep the errors locally and just return an OK result.
5.4 Save Request
This is a Template for receiving data and will not do anything to the data. It will just receive the data, save it on the Incoming Entry Log and return an OK to the sending service.
To enable functionality the module must be extended by development.
6. Table Setup (Azure/Publish/Request Data)
To specify the tables that should be monitored for export or exposed as a custom API setup must be made on the individual API Activity.
6.1 Tables
Add tables to the list by using the New Main Table action in the Action Bar.
Export All Record – Will trigger a complete export of data on the selected tables. If any files exist in the Azure folder, they will be deleted before the export starts to ensure consistent data.
List Files on Azure Delta Folder – this will list the files on Azure and it’s possible to delete or download files to monitor the content and cleanup.
Table No and Table Caption – Describes the selected table.
Active – Enable the table for monitoring or for exposure.
Publish Insert, Modify and Delete – Specifies on what triggers an event should be raised and data sent to the external service.
Monitor Field for Publishing – All Fields will trigger an event even though the field list does not contain the field. If Specified Fields is selected, only the fields in the list will trigger an event on the table.
Bundle outbound entries – when using the Job Queue export, data could be bundled when sent to the receiving service to optimize the data transfer.
6.2 Fields
When selecting Fields, it’s possible to select several fields in one process to ensure an easy setup.
7. Job Queue Setup
When the module is installed two Job Queue Entries are created and set On Hold. A user will need to open the Job Queue Entry and Set Status to Ready for the process to begin.
API Batch Process Outbound Entries (72.541.576) is used for exporting/processing the Outbound Entries when specified – this job should be enabled in a recurring setup. E.g. every 5 minutes.
API Batch Process Document (72.541.575) is used for processing the incoming data and should only be enabled if needed and data exist in the API Document Table (Customized in the Save Request API Activity).